The Walking Dead
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Description This booster pack contains an additional set of The Walking Dead: All Out War bespoke engraved gaming dice – perfect for larger games, or just for those players who don’t want to share – resources are scarce in the world of the Walking Dead after all! The pack also includes a dice bag to store them in, and it’s large enough to hold the dice from the core game as well. Requires The Walk…
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The Governor Booster Plastic Brian Blake and Gloria Miniatures Plastic Penny Walker Miniature Brian Blake, Mutilated and Merciless and Gloria Character Cards Cx4 Storm, Megaphone, Michonne's Katana, and Riot Gear Equipment Cards Mantic Points
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Contents This set contains Acrylic accessories for us in games of the Walking Dead: All out War: 1 Walker Range Ruler 1 Clear Plastic Kill Zone Template Requires The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game Core Set to play.
1 in stock
Description This booster pack contains 6 Walker miniatures to bulk out your herd, along with a set of Event cards designed to bring more of the dead onto the table and make your games even more challenging. You will also get a set of equipment cards exclusive to this set, including the Mossberg 500 Shotgun! Requires The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game Core Set to play.
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Contents: 4 Plastic Survivors Dexter, Axel, Andrew, Thomas; 5 Character Cards; and 2 Equipment Cards. Supplied assembled and unpainted.