Saga - The Crescent & The Cross
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Deus vult! At the dawn of the thirteenth century, these words set Europe aflame. The hearts of nobles and serfs alike are filled with an ardent desire to absolve their sins by taking up arms against the enemies of the faith. In 1095, the princes of the west answer the Pope's call, take the cross, and travel to Jerusalem to liberate the Holy City from the hands of the infidels. In 1147, the same ca…
1 in stock
SAGA Dice - Crescent & Cross Christian Factions For use with the Crusader, Milites Christi & Spanish Battle Boards.
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Crusader banners & shield transfers for 4point Warband
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To fit contents of Milites Christ Warband
4 in stock
SAGA Dice - Crescent & Cross Muslim Factions For use with the Saracens, Mutattawwia and Moorish factions
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Mutatawwi'a banners & shield transfers for 4point Warband
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Contains enough multi-part 28mm plastic figures to make: 1 Mounted Warlord, 8 Mounted Hearthguards, 8 Mounted Warriors and 8 Warriors on foot. Plus extra bits and pieces. Contains all weapons, shields and bases. Comes unassembled and unpainted.
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Contains 12 levy with bows plus a plastic Renedra base for each model. NB Photo for illustration purposes only - actual models supplied may vary. 28mm sized metal figures, supplied unbuilt and unpainted.
1 in stock
Contains 8 mounted warriors with appropriate weapons & shields plus a plastic Renedra base for each model. NB Photo for illustration purposes only - actual models supplied may vary. 28mm sized metal figures, supplied unbuilt and unpainted.
1 in stock
Contains 8 mounted warriors with bows plus a plastic Renedra base for each model. NB Photo for illustration purposes only - actual models supplied may vary. 28mm sized metal figures, supplied unbuilt and unpainted.
4 in stock
These 4 point Starter Warbands are an excellent way to get up and running. Each one contains a Warlord plus four points worth of troops plus a plastic Renedra base for each figure plus all the appropriate weapons including lead spears. Please note that the pictures are for illustration only and that the actual figures supplied may vary (EXCEPT for the Warlord, who is always the figure illustrated!…