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No matter their home planet, background, role, or motives for roaming the dead stars, anyone signed up to an independent crew is going to be tough, ruthless, and dangerous. You don’t stay one step ahead of the pirate fleets – or your competitors – if you’re not… This boxed set offers enough parts to build 20 lightly equipped characters for Stargrave, ideal for use in independent crews or as member…
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Some crewmembers are essential to keeping the ship running; others are there to look intimidating and to respond to threats directly, efficiently, and with gunfire. Fortunately, with the end of the Last War, there are plenty of mercenaries, gunslingers, and soldiers of fortune looking for work… This boxed set offers enough parts to build 20 well-equipped characters for Stargrave, ideal for use in…
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When it was commissioned, Imperial Research Station 37 was home to nearly 10,000 scientists and researchers working on a vast array of biological and chemical projects. Then, six months before the outbreak of the war, Station 37 went dark. No escape pods were launched and all attempts at communication went unanswered. Only a solitary, repeating broadcast filled the silence: "This station is under…
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Stargrave. Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy. In a galaxy torn apart by the Last War, vast pirate fleets roam from system to system, robbing, extorting, and enslaving. Amidst this chaos, thousands of independent operators - smugglers, relic hunters, freedom fighters, and mercenaries - roam the dead stars in small ships, scratching out a living any way they can. In Stargrave, players t…
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Many military units stuck together after the Last War, with most going into business for themselves as mercenary outfits or independent crews. A few continued to uphold their oaths as peacekeepers, but many more sold out, offering their skills and firepower to the pirate fleets… This boxed set offers enough parts to build 20 heavily equipped characters for Stargrave, ideal for use in independent c…