1 in stock
Inside, you’ll find: - Full rules for the following warbands: Beasts of Chaos, Blades of Khorne: Daemons, Blades of Khorne: Bloodbound, Disciples of Tzeentch: Daemons, Disciples of Tzeentch: Arcanites, Maggotkin of Nurgle: Daemons, Maggotkin of Nurgle: Rotbringers, Hedonites of Slaanesh: Daemons, Hedonites of Slaanesh: Sybarites, Skaven, Slaves to Darkness, Iron Golem, Untamed Beasts, Corvus Cabal…
1 in stock
This set contains eight plastic miniatures: - 1x Askurgan Exemplar - 1x Curseblood - 1x Askurgan Pariah - 2x Askurgan Ascetics, each of which can be armed with a howling glaive or charnel mace - 3x Askurgan Acolytes, each of which can be armed with a bonehilt falchion or throat-taker sickle This set also includes: - An Askurgan Trueblades abilities card, to help unleash this warband's arrogant str…
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PLEASE BE AWARE THIS IS A HEAVY ITEM AND NOT SUBJECT TO OUR FREE POSTAGE POLICY We are aware of an intermittent issue with our web store provider (and are working to resolve it) where occasionally you may be given the option (wrongly) to have either free postage or heavy item postage when checking out. If this occurs, please choose the correct postage option (heavy), as we will have to cancel any…
1 in stock
Inside, you’ll find: - Full rules for the following warbands: Flesh-eater Courts, Legions of Nagash, Nighthaunt, and Ossiarch Bonereapers. - Fighter cards for nearly every model available to the Grand Alliance: Death ranges. - Rules for two Monsters of Death: Terrorgheists and Zombie Dragons. - Refined rules to include Monsters in your warband, as well as new abilities to use against them! - New r…
1 in stock
The dice set includes: - 6x opaque black dice with white details - 6x opaque metallic silver dice with a swirl and black details - 4x opaque metallic ghostly green dice with a swirl and black details, which can be used as Wild Dice
1 in stock
This set contains two double-sided 760mm x 568mm game boards, plus a booklet with tips and rules for adding them to your games. Please note – you'll need a copy of Warcry: Catacombs to make use of this set.
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This multipart plastic kit build one Centaurion Marshal, a massive eight-limbed warrior armed with an array of weapons. Rearing up on his hind legs, tail and top-knot swaying behind him, this model makes an eye-catching addition to any Chaos collection – and the gladiatorial style of his armour fits perfectly with the other denizens of Archaon's fighting pits, such as the Chaos Legionnaires who sh…
1 in stock
This set contains eight plastic miniatures: - 1x Packlord - 1x Hound of Wrath - 2x Brutalisers, which can each be armed with paired shredder blades or a shredder blade and meat hook - 4x Blood Whelps, which can each be armed with a barb-spear or claw-flail This set also includes: - A Claws of Karanak abilities card, to help unleash this warband’s hellish hunting tactics in your games of Warcry (in…
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This 184-page softcover book is loaded with profiles and abilities for more than 40 existing warbands across all four Grand Alliances - the Sentinels of Order, Agents of Chaos, Bringers of Death, and Harbingers of Destruction - as well as the mighty allies, terrifying monsters, and bestial thralls that can be called upon to fight alongside them. These have all been updated for Warcry's second edit…
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This book is an essential companion for anyone setting out to explore the Gnarlwood – whether you're an experienced player or founding your first warband. This 160-page softcover book contains: – Background material and sumptuous art to immese you in the horrifying Gnarlwood – The complete core rules for Warcry, all you need to play this skirmish combat game – New rules for Reactions, allowing mor…
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Warcry is a fast-paced skirmish game between two battling warbands, set in the fantastical realms of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. This boxed set contains everything you need to get started, including two full warbands and scenery to fight over – the noble Stormcast Eternals of Xandire’s Truthseekers, and the fiendish Soulblight vampires of the Crimson Court. The box contains a double-sided folding gam…
1 in stock
This set contains 9 plastic miniatures: - 1x Vulkyn Runefather, who can be armed with a drothvault greataxe or a mastercrafted bokaz - 1x Drothmaster - 1x Kyndledroth - 1x Drothblood Thane - 5x Scalebreakers, who can each be armed with a fyresteel splitaxe or a bokaz This set also includes: - A Vulkyn Flameseekers abilities card, for quick referencing in games of Warcry (in English, French, Italia…