Epic Wars Waterloo
£20.00 2 in stock
Arguably the best shock cavalry of the period, the British heavy cavalry showed great bravery but poor control on the day of Waterloo. These heavy cavalry smashed the French columns to pieces but, due to their poor leadership, they were destroyed by the French in turn. There were two heavy cavalry brigades, the Household division with four regiments and the Union Brigade with three. To give close…
£20.00 1 in stock
British light cavalry had a reputation of 'galloping at anything' and whilst not entirely fair, they certainly were not shy in taking on enemy light cavalry and indeed even the huge armoured heavy French cavalry, as the men were confident in themselves and their horses being as large as the heavy French steeds. The light cavalry were gloriously attired. This boxed set enables you to build brigades…
£20.00 Out of stock
There are few more impressive sights to see than massed French light cavalry in full array. Green-clad Chasseurs and the colourfully dressed Hussars did most of the outpost and scouting duties before battle commenced. Perhaps the most impressive of the light cavalry units are the splendidly dressed and equipped lancers of the line wielding wicked 9 foot long ash lances that used to deadly effect.…
£85.00 1 in stock
Sunday, 18 June 1815; on an unassuming rain-soaked field in Belgium; two great generals of the age finally met in battle; ending fifteen years of continuous warfare on the continent, and bringing to an end the reign of Napoleon. The Battle of Waterloo, arguable the most famous battle in all military history, provides more than a fitting subject for our second foray into the 'Epic' scale of wargami…