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The 95th Rifles were an elite unit of hard marching, sharp shooting light infantry that served in many bloody battles of the Napoleonic Wars. Unusually they did not wear the classic red coat of the British army, but instead a dark bottle green uniform which gave them their nickname of the ‘Sweeps’ or the ‘Grasshoppers’ by their French foes. They were equipped with the Baker rifle – a supremely acc…
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This box will allow you to make a unit of 12 cavalrymen of the Horse Guards or either of the Lifeguards regiments. Contains: 12 plastic British Household Brigade heavy cavalry. 1 metal officer miniature. Metal bugler arm. Background leaflet. Some of you eagle eyed historians may have noticed the Scott's Grey's in the picture above. These are made from the Union Brigade Cavalry box which will allow…
1 in stock
This set allows you to build any of the three regiments in the Union Brigade as well as headgear options for the Peninsular campaign. Contains: 12 plastic British Union Brigade heavy cavalry. 2 metal command miniatures (officer and trumpeter). Includes options for bearskin, oilskin-covered bearskin, Grecian helmet, oilskin-covered Grecian helmet, bicorne, and watering cap. Background leaflet. Some…
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Formed originally back in 1743, the Chasseurs à Cheval (mounted hunters) were hard riding, green clad light cavalry whose main role was patrolling and raiding for the French armies. A good Chasseur was at home on his light horse, skirmishing with the enemy cavalry or scouting enemy movements and thus providing valuable intelligence for their commanders. Armed with carbine, curved sabre and bayonet…
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There are few soldiers more famous than the Grenadiers of the Old Guard, veteran soldiers of many campaigns who would literally give their lives for their Emperor if needed. Formed from the Consular Guards in 1804, they were the elite of an elite, each man hand-picked for his height and military bearing. They proudly grew fierce moustaches, powdered their pigtailed hair, and wore gold earrings whi…
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Pack contains 2 metal mounted figures - a field officer and an adjutant Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
1 in stock
72 Plastic and metal British Line infantry in Belgic Shakos 24 Plastic and metal Hanoverian infantry 12 Plastic and metal British Union Brigade heavy cavalry Officer on horse Royal Horse Artillery 9-pdr cannon Full-colour flag sheets Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
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Widely held as the finest body of fighting men to have fought under the Union flag, the British army in the Peninsular campaign tasted defeat but were far more often to be found savouring yet another victory over their old foe, the French. Led by great commanders such as Moore, Crauford and Wellesley, the British army was a well-drilled and, on the whole, disciplined force that saw service on the…
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Scale: 28mm 1 Artillery Piece/War Machine 4 Crew Metal Requires Assembly This product is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Glue and paints not included.
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Napoleonic warfare saw bewildering varieties of exotic uniforms worn by the various armies that marched and fought in the early 19th century. There were none so exotic and magnificent as the Hussar regiments of the French army. These dashing light cavalry donned outfits originally inspired by Turkish, and later Hungarian, cavalry. Each of the fourteen regiments formed wore a differing uniform, wit…
1 in stock
Pack contains 12 metal foot figures. Note: Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
1 in stock
Blister pack containing 12 metal casualty figures Models supplied unassembled and unpainted